Rabu, 12 Mei 2010


Modern Warfare 2 Camper's Search and Destroy 16 (Clearly Outclassed Pist...

Dance and Multiplle Intelligence

An educational theorist and brain researcher who has had a huge impact on teaching practice is Howard Gardner of Harvard University’s Project Zero. Gardner postulates that there are many different kinds of intelligence, and that we all possess them in varying degrees. These “different ways to be smart” represent ways of looking at the world that can become doorways to understanding when teachers consciously include differentiated learning strategies in the classroom. Here in brief are some ways that, in my experience, creative dance engages and stimulates these intelligences.
Bodily / Kinesthetic Intelligence: Body Smart

Clearly, this is the first and most obvious connection with dance activities. When teachers have students get out of their seats and move with attention and purpose, the benefits (as we have seen) are immediate and lasting. One of the ways we remember best is through stored muscle memory, so learning in and through dance has a way of sticking with us for a very long time. I have had teachers stop me in the grocery store to tell me they can still remember their Water Cycle phrases or being a hurricane in a small group, years after the workshop experience took place.

Also, the act of problem-solving in dance is very physical and direct, and it has a way of providing instant feedback. If something works, it clicks in the body, making sense in a manner that is simple and crystal clear. If something doesn’t work, mind and body function together to find an alternate solution. This kind of “body thinking” is inherent in the design of the human physique. It is one of the very first ways we learn about physics. We have a personal experience of gravity, of leverage, force, and motion, and we also have a body that can be finely tuned to its own inner processes.

When we start to become aware of our physical capabilities, then we develop the responsibility to protect and hone them. There is a reason the Greeks highly valued “a sound mind in a sound body.” We are not fully human and alive unless we are in touch with our body’s intelligence.
Verbal / Linguistic Intelligence: Word Smart

Right along with the kinesthetic intelligence, we have to use our verbal intelligence to listen to and comprehend instructions, imagery, and information that we will use to create our dance movements. Dance teachers are adept at using metaphors and prior knowledge to draw out of their students the qualities and patterns they are looking for.

When we guide students’ movement explorations with verbal cues, we are activating this intelligence. When we invite students to comment on what they like about each other’s creations and to explain their own, they must draw on this intelligence to understand and be understood. Linguistic thinking goes hand-in-hand with teaching and developing body thinking.
Logical / Mathematical Intelligence: Pattern Smart

When I ask teachers at workshops if they think they used their logical / mathematical intelligence to create their dances, they are not sure. I think part of this is due to how we think about and teach mathematics in public schools. The Factory Education view of math is all about computational and memorization skills, and so we think of mathematics as being about manipulating numbers and equations.

But when I remind them that this intelligence is about sequence, pattern, order, relationship, and proportion as well as number sense, the lights begin to go on.  Yes, there is some basic counting (4-beat units in a phrase made up of nine such units, for instance, for a 36-count phrase), the mathematical thinking creative dancers do is mostly of a much higher order.

To be able to take a set of steps and place them into a logical order is to use this kind of thinking. So is making decisions on the relative lengths and efforts of the movements, making some more “important” than others in the composition. So is showing the relationship between two similar or dissimilar movements, and so is recognizing patterns in both science and in dance and using them to reflect on one another.

It is this kind of mathematical thinking that produced the work of Albert Einstein and Loie Fuller, Marie Curie and George Balanchine, Stephen Hawking and Twyla Tharp, Niehls Bohr and Merce Cunningham. It is imaginative work, and yet true to what we observe. It continually refers back to the beauty of truth as well as asking us to examine what truths we find in beauty.

The next generation of transformative physicist, mathematicians, and creators may well come from those children who have learned to think of aesthetics and logic as complementary rather than contradictory viewpoints.
Musical / Rhythmic Intelligence: Music Smart

In every group of creative dancers I have led, the movements they create begin to take on their own rhythms, sometimes even accompanying the movement with sound that becomes its own music. The shuffle of a group’s feet as they imitate the ebb and flow of tides or waves, the snapping of fingers or tapping of the body for rainfall, even the faint rush of bodies moving through the shared atmosphere as they move like the wind, all can be heard as a musical score for the dance, and all derive from this intelligence.

Later in the creative process, we may add music, if it seems appropriate. That process of making decisions about the need for and the type of musical accompaniment are also guided by the musical / rhythmic intelligence.
Visual / Spatial Intelligence: Design Smart

Dance is, as I have mentioned, a visual art. As such, it is governed every bit as much as the more static forms of visual art by the principles of form, balance, rhythm, line, shape, and texture, among others. It is visual art in four dimensions: three in space, plus the time dimension.

While the bodily intelligence is solving physics problems in an attempt to match the verbal intelligence’s word-pictures, and the logical intelligence is working with the musical one to choose and arrange the most appropriate sequences and rhythms, the visual intelligence is busy assembling the parts of the dance into a visually coherent whole.
Naturalist Intelligence: Environment Smart

This somewhat awkwardly-named intelligence has caused some backlash in certain school districts. In some communities this can be mistakenly heard to be somehow atheistic or otherwise related to religious beliefs (as in “naturalism” vs. “creationism”) or even thought to be about nudism. But this intelligence is about knowing our way around in the world, whether that be “street smart” or “country smart.”

Being this kind of smart is not finding our way, as in mapping, but more like having an accurate and comprehensive sense of the world around us and our place, or niche, in our surroundings. When we call on our remembrance of how we have experienced water in our environment, or when we have seen insect behavior or the cycles of plant or animal life, we are using this intelligence.

So dances about science, which is essentially the study of the universe, naturally invoke this intelligence as we try to make sense of new information by using our prior experiences as a reference point.
Interpersonal Intelligence: People Smart

While the process of creating a solo dance is necessarily a solitary one, eventually there comes a time when the dance is made and it’s time to show it to someone. The fact that dance is a performing art means that this is always in the back of the minds of the student / choreographers in a dance integration setting. They must call on their empathy skills to put themselves in the place of the audience and make educated guesses about the effect of their dance choices on the audience.

They also need to be able to listen to compliments and suggestions from their audience, to explain their choices clearly, and to give appropriate compliments and suggestions to their peers. So there is a fair amount of activation of this intelligence even in solo work.

When it really kicks into high gear, however, is when we have students work together as collaborators on a piece of curriculum-related choreography. Now, two or more creative dance-makers must learn to share ideas, negotiate, solve problems both physical and social, to give and receive honest feedback, and to assemble their dance in a way that includes and honors each member while adhering to a larger purpose.

The number of social skills that these students are developing through their interpersonal intelligence is startling.
Intrapersonal Intelligence: Self Smart

This meta-cognitive intelligence is one of the most underdeveloped by Factory Education. But it is possibly the most-used in arts integration experiences, because the student is continually encountering choices to make. The process of decision-making requires the choreographer to look inside for the answers to important questions:

    * Does this feel right?
    * Does this make sense to me?
    * Do I like the way this looks / feels?
    * Is there some kind of aesthetic pleasure here?
    * What do I like about this? What do I not like?
    * What might I like better?

By becoming aware of our aesthetic preferences, we open up the possibility of building on them, modifying them, or seeing with new eyes. We evaluate our efforts against a set of internal standards, and we develop ways to explain our choices based on those standards or preferences. This intelligence guides almost all our choices in life in some way or another, and it pays huge dividencs to strengthen and develop our ability to think about our own thinking.

How many intelligences are there?

Gardner originally found evidence for seven (all the ones we have discussed, except for the naturalist). He added the naturalist intelligence after finding enough evidence for the theory to pass successfully through the peer review process. He is now looking at the possibility of a ninth intelligence, the existential. That intelligence, if demonstrated, is the part of our thinking that is concerned with the question, “Why am I here?”

Obviously, even more than the naturalist, this one is fraught with social and political consequences. I happen to think it makes a lot of sense, but I suspect it will be a long while before that one enters accepted educational theory. For now, wry cultural reference aside, eight is enough.

Multiple Intelligence

Multiple Intelligences

Research in the last couple of decades indicates that there is not a single form of “intelligence.” When one only accepts the traditional definition of “intelligence,” a competitive classroom culture is fostered which ensures some students will fail. In recent years, the concept of “multiple intelligences” has emerged to create a contrasting paradigm. Seeking to broaden the scope of human potential beyond the traditional IQ score, Howard Gardner, renowned for having developed the most well known theory of multiple intelligences, defines intelligence as “a biopsychological potential to process information that can be activated in a cultural setting to solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture” (1999, p. 34).

Gardner challenges the validity of determining people’s intelligence by taking them out of their natural learning environment and asking them to complete isolated tasks they had never done before. His position that intelligence has more to do with solving problems and creating products in a context-rich environment is an outgrowth of his research, which now yields nine comprehensive categories, or what have come to be called “intelligences”:

Verbal/linguistic intelligence - the capacity to use words effectively (think of a skilled author or orator). Students who possess this intelligence have generally been successful in traditional classrooms because their intelligence lends itself to traditional teaching.

Logical/mathematical intelligence - the capacity to reason and employ numbers effectively (think Alan Greenspan). In addition to the students who possess high verbal/linguistic intelligence, the students in this group also tend to do well in traditional classrooms where teaching is logically sequenced and students are asked to conform.

Visual/spatial intelligence - the ability to accurately manipulate mental representations of large or small spaces (think Air Force pilot or chess player). These learners like to see what is being talked about in order to understand.

Bodily/kinesthetic intelligence - expertise in using the entire body to express ideas and feelings (think Maria Tallchief). These students often give the professor every indication of what intelligence they embody–through their constant movement and expressive body language.

Musical intelligence - the capacity to perceive, discriminate, transform and express musical forms effectively (think Yo Yo Ma). These learners use patterns, rhythms, instruments and musical expression to represent their world.

Interpersonal intelligence - the ability to perceive and make distinctions in the moods, motivations and feelings of other people (think of a skilled psychologist). These learners are noticeably people oriented and outgoing, and do well working in groups or with a partner.

Intrapersonal - self-knowledge and the ability to act adaptively on the basis of that knowledge (think someone who knows him-/herself, is comfortable with that knowledge, and can accommodate changes). These learners may tend to be more reserved, but they are actually quite intuitive about what they learn and how it relates to them.

Naturalist - recognizing patterns in the living world (think Charles Darwin). A student possessing the naturalist intelligence demonstrates an ease in identifying and classifying living things.

Existentialist - a proclivity for asking the fundamental questions about life (think Dalai Lama). This is one of Gardner’s newest intelligences and one that is likely to be more extensively explored. Those with the existentialist intelligence ask questions like, “Why are we here?” and “What is our role in the world?”

It is likely that as you read through these brief descriptions, you find yourself described by at least one–and it is also likely that you identify your field with one of the intelligences more than another. For example, if you are a music professor, it would not be surprising if you believe that you possess the musical intelligence–and that your students (well, your best students) also possess this intelligence. Likewise, if you are working with graduate students who are preparing to be clinical psychologists, I hope you see evidence of both interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence in them.

There are some of who have taken the concept of Multiple Intelligences and made it into a cottage industry. Gardner is the first to remind educators to reject the idea that we all need to create MI lessons and “teach to” all of the intelligences represented in our classrooms. There are those who purport to teach every single concept so that it addresses every single “intelligence” represented in their classroom. It is not reasonable to expect anyone to frame every classroom learning experience to tie into each of the *9* intelligences. Rather, just consider this complex concept in an oversimplified way, and be sensitized to the fact that it is likely that in your classroom, you will have students who have talents and problem-solving abilities that support their learning in a variety of ways. Your students’ talents and abilities may be well suited to the content and style of your teaching or, their talents and abilities may require additional effort on their part–and your part–in order for them to learn.

In the traditional paradigm of “intelligence,” students either possessed it or they didn’t. In Gardner’s paradigm, students have more of, or less of, a wider variety of intelligences. In the process of helping every unique student in your class approach their fullest potential, not by imposing preconceived limitations but by proactively soliciting their individual input into learning decisions that have an impact on them, your “job” and your perception of the human development process will become far more rewarding.

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

Multiple Intelligence

Why I choose this topic ??

I choose this topic because now is modern period which need high intelligences to be success.

What is the reason we go to school and study everyday ??

To be smart, what is the advantage if we are smart?

To work, what is the advantage if we work?

To survive, to have career, for our adulthood, to have success.

What is success ??

· Success is a circumstance when people can reach their hope.

Ex. Pass their examination, to be engineer, doctor, lawyer, or the other.

· Success is a circumstance when people can built and develop their business, have a high profit, to be a rich people.

· Success is a circumstance when people can built a holy and peacefull family.

· Success is a circumstance when people can persuade many people, their life become an example for other people.

What things that success determined ??

Prof.Dr.Daniel Golleman said that success is determined with:

§ 20% IQ /II (“Intelectual Quotient” or “ Intelectual Intelligence”)

§ 80% EQ /EI (“Emotional Quoient” or “ Emotional Intelligence”)

SQ /SI (“Spiritual Quoient” or “Spiritual Intelligence”)

If our focus as an educator and as parents to make our children is success in their adulthood, so we have to give attention at their EQ and SQ which determined 80% of their success.

Multiple Intelligence

The intelligence level is different from one people to another people. Don’t be sad if our child have a bad ability in certain aspect, because every people certain have a good ability in certain aspect. “So, we can say every people are smart”.

Multiple Intelligence is divided in 10 aspect:

1) Linguistic Intelligence

2) Mathematical Intelligence

3) Visual/Spasial Intelligence

4) Music Intelligence

5) Kinesthethic Intelligence

6) Natural Intelligence

7) Emotional Intelligence

8) Spiritual Intelligence

9) The Other Intelligence

10) The Compose of Intelligence Aspect

1. Linguistic Intelligence

A. Brave Speaker

People who success in this world in this world is people who brave to have discussion. What is the advantage if someone is smart, but he isn’t brave to have discussion, so who knows that he is a smart people ??

Don’t scold your child if they say a bad and wrong spelling in English language, because they will be lazy, ashame and don’t brave to have discussion.

B. Talk Active

Children can be trained to be easily to have discussion if we as parent can be ‘a good listener’ for them.

C. A Good Listener

Linguistic aspect which close related with success is if we become a good listener. Don’t become angry quickly, don’t abbreviate your children’s word quickly. We must be a good listener and give attention for them.

D. Communicative Speaker

You can extend this aspect by means of:

Ø Always consider that you are the most important person

Ø You must leave your spare time to look at the mirror to see your face and your eye, because this therapy can make you confidently

Ø Practise your child to show their ability in the public place (school,mall,church,mosque,or the other place)

E. Like Reading

People will become a person according to the content which gist in their brain. Or not become everything because their brain isn’t have a content. Because of that, we must like to read.

F. Quickly Writer

I suggest you that you must train your child become a quick writer, not become a smooth writer.

G. Like Writing

2. Mathematical Intelligence

A. Numerical Intelligence

B. Logical Intelligence

C. Analitical Intelligence

3. Visual/Spacial Intelligence

A. Drawing, colour, and their artistic component

You must be free for your children activity, like; drawing or coloring. Because, by this aspect they can visualitation their original idea.

B. Design and Graphis

If the drawing and coloring ability is good, you can train your children to make your child’s idea improve or to built something that is new.

C. Creativity

The improving country is they who able to make improvisation, to make diversification product or extend their business for the same product by creative idea.

4. Musical Intelligence

Children that feel pleasant by music in their lesson is a children who have musical intelligence. Because, many of other children is feel bad if they study by the music at the same time.

If start at now your children have a music theraphy, I can sure that your children have a musical intelligence after that. Even though you don’t have musical intelligence as genetic. Because, every people is have musical intelligence.

Based on the fact, that intelligence can grow since we are a fetus. So, if you have a baby in several years more, you could grown your baby since they are a fetus.

5. Kinesthetic Intelligence

The improving country and person who will be a winner in this world is they who become a skillful and aroit person or country.

6. Natural Intelligence

In this modern period needs person who care and able to prevent our world, for that all over this word can survive. In the children, this aspect could extended by means of care for animals, vegetation or plants, and the other.

7. Emotional Intelligence

A. Intra Personal Intelligence

Is a circumstance that person ability of communication and an ability of emotional controlling personal.

a) Self Control

b) Self Image

B. Inter Personal Intelligence

a) Sosialization

b) Empathy and Sympathy

8. Spiritual Intelligence

A. Integrity

B. Character

0. Honest

1. Firm

2. Optimist

3. Generous

4. Humorist, Smiley

C. Life Value

a) Riches vs Plentiful concept

b) Make a sufficient life

9. The other Intelligence

A. Finance Intelligence

B. Sexual Intelligence

C. Instinct Intelligence

10. Component of Compiler Intelligence

A. Genetic

B. Theraphy

a) Therapy right and left barin

b) Give a positive suggestion

C. Environment

D. Nutrition

Multiple Intelligence

Why I choose this topic ??

I choose this topic because now is modern period which need high intelligences to be success.

What is the reason we go to school and study everyday ??

To be smart, what is the advantage if we are smart?

To work, what is the advantage if we work?

To survive, to have career, for our adulthood, to have success.

What is success ??

· Success is a circumstance when people can reach their hope.

Ex. Pass their examination, to be engineer, doctor, lawyer, or the other.

· Success is a circumstance when people can built and develop their business, have a high profit, to be a rich people.

· Success is a circumstance when people can built a holy and peacefull family.

· Success is a circumstance when people can persuade many people, their life become an example for other people.

What things that success determined ??

Prof.Dr.Daniel Golleman said that success is determined with:

§ 20% IQ /II (“Intelectual Quotient” or “ Intelectual Intelligence”)

§ 80% EQ /EI (“Emotional Quoient” or “ Emotional Intelligence”)

SQ /SI (“Spiritual Quoient” or “Spiritual Intelligence”)

If our focus as an educator and as parents to make our children is success in their adulthood, so we have to give attention at their EQ and SQ which determined 80% of their success.

Multiple Intelligence

The intelligence level is different from one people to another people. Don’t be sad if our child have a bad ability in certain aspect, because every people certain have a good ability in certain aspect. “So, we can say every people are smart”.

Multiple Intelligence is divided in 10 aspect:

1) Linguistic Intelligence

2) Mathematical Intelligence

3) Visual/Spasial Intelligence

4) Music Intelligence

5) Kinesthethic Intelligence

6) Natural Intelligence

7) Emotional Intelligence

8) Spiritual Intelligence

9) The Other Intelligence

10) The Compose of Intelligence Aspect

1. Linguistic Intelligence

A. Brave Speaker

People who success in this world in this world is people who brave to have discussion. What is the advantage if someone is smart, but he isn’t brave to have discussion, so who knows that he is a smart people ??

Don’t scold your child if they say a bad and wrong spelling in English language, because they will be lazy, ashame and don’t brave to have discussion.

B. Talk Active

Children can be trained to be easily to have discussion if we as parent can be ‘a good listener’ for them.

C. A Good Listener

Linguistic aspect which close related with success is if we become a good listener. Don’t become angry quickly, don’t abbreviate your children’s word quickly. We must be a good listener and give attention for them.

D. Communicative Speaker

You can extend this aspect by means of:

Ø Always consider that you are the most important person

Ø You must leave your spare time to look at the mirror to see your face and your eye, because this therapy can make you confidently

Ø Practise your child to show their ability in the public place (school,mall,church,mosque,or the other place)

E. Like Reading

People will become a person according to the content which gist in their brain. Or not become everything because their brain isn’t have a content. Because of that, we must like to read.

F. Quickly Writer

I suggest you that you must train your child become a quick writer, not become a smooth writer.

G. Like Writing

2. Mathematical Intelligence

A. Numerical Intelligence

B. Logical Intelligence

C. Analitical Intelligence

3. Visual/Spacial Intelligence

A. Drawing, colour, and their artistic component

You must be free for your children activity, like; drawing or coloring. Because, by this aspect they can visualitation their original idea.

B. Design and Graphis

If the drawing and coloring ability is good, you can train your children to make your child’s idea improve or to built something that is new.

C. Creativity

The improving country is they who able to make improvisation, to make diversification product or extend their business for the same product by creative idea.

4. Musical Intelligence

Children that feel pleasant by music in their lesson is a children who have musical intelligence. Because, many of other children is feel bad if they study by the music at the same time.

If start at now your children have a music theraphy, I can sure that your children have a musical intelligence after that. Even though you don’t have musical intelligence as genetic. Because, every people is have musical intelligence.

Based on the fact, that intelligence can grow since we are a fetus. So, if you have a baby in several years more, you could grown your baby since they are a fetus.

5. Kinesthetic Intelligence

The improving country and person who will be a winner in this world is they who become a skillful and aroit person or country.

6. Natural Intelligence

In this modern period needs person who care and able to prevent our world, for that all over this word can survive. In the children, this aspect could extended by means of care for animals, vegetation or plants, and the other.

7. Emotional Intelligence

A. Intra Personal Intelligence

Is a circumstance that person ability of communication and an ability of emotional controlling personal.

a) Self Control

b) Self Image

B. Inter Personal Intelligence

a) Sosialization

b) Empathy and Sympathy

8. Spiritual Intelligence

A. Integrity

B. Character

0. Honest

1. Firm

2. Optimist

3. Generous

4. Humorist, Smiley

C. Life Value

a) Riches vs Plentiful concept

b) Make a sufficient life

9. The other Intelligence

A. Finance Intelligence

B. Sexual Intelligence

C. Instinct Intelligence

10. Component of Compiler Intelligence

A. Genetic

B. Theraphy

a) Therapy right and left barin

b) Give a positive suggestion

C. Environment

D. Nutrition